Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CHAPTER TEN Linda M Rhodes

By Linda M Rhodes
Magic shines in their sleepy eyes
As pajama clad feet skip downstairs
And reach up their arms in recognition
While a smile lights up their face
It’s going to be a great day
One of adventure and play
Full of avast maties, hoist the colors arrrh.
Or yippee kiyay, giddy up and yeeha’s
Taming wild horses and herding cattle,
Rough tough cowboys work real hard.
Next we’re away sailing on a pirate ship
Across the stormy sea searching for treasure.
When the day allows outside play
Mighty hunters head to the woods
In search for turkey, deer and bears.
Of course Grandma is always invited along.
And when the adventures subside
It’s time to color or listen to a story.
Yes it will be a great day…
One that begins with I love you
And ends with a cuddle and goodnight hug.

by Linda M Rhodes

Melissa hated recess, she often found a place to hide off by herself, while the other kids laughed and played. She walked quickly, head down staring at the ground ignoring their staring eyes, while blocking out the embarrassing chant.
"Snarled hair, rag bag dress, don’t she care, she looks a mess." The chant was always followed by teasing laughter with Missy’s cheeks burning scarlet. Her feet quickened until she was running: she had no destination just ran as fast as she could manage.
Shane Connor, never before witnessed the mean teasing initiated by Shelby, and the others girls. He may never have known if the football didn’t slip out of his hands. It bounced along the ground nearly striking Shelby.
"Shane, did you throw that?" Shelby asked her hands on her hips, as he ran to pick up the ball.
"No…I just missed catching it, sorry. Geez you girls sure are mean aren’t you?" Shane remarked, eluding to the harsh treatment of Missy. Missy had long since disappeared around the corner of the brick school building.
"Mean? Like you boys don’t tease each other. Why should you care anyway? You’re just a boy, since when do boys care about girls?" Shelby defended her actions, simply not worrying what a boy thought.
"Whatever…gosh just forget it. Sorry the ball almost hit you." Shane shook his head and ran back to the game. During the remaining twenty minutes of recess Shane looked around often wondering if Missy ever came back to play, but she never did.
A little while later the teacher blew her whistle marking the end of recess. The children lined up at the school doors forming two lines, Missy made her way toward the end of the line. She passed by Shelby quickly hoping not to hear more insults, unfortunately Missy tripped falling hard to the ground. The girls snickered and began shouting new insults, "Klutz, geez learn to walk, how clumsy."
Shane thought he saw Shelby stick out her foot causing Missy to trip, but could not swear to it. Shane was enraged by the girl’s cruelty, and moved out of line to help Missy up. All eyes were suddenly focused on him, boys and girls alike. Shane made a bold statement for a 9 year old boy. Somehow Shane’s sense of fair play gave him courage to act.
"Are you okay, that was a nasty tumble?" Shane asked helping Missy up. Missy nodded her head, brushing off her salvation army dress. Missy clutched closed her torn, unzipped jacket, which was nearly too tight to wear.
"I’m fine, thanks." Missy whispered softly wondering, why does he care?
"Get in line everyone, come on now get back in line Shane." The recess duty teacher called, organizing the rambunctious forth grade class. They proceeded inside and the afternoon progressed normally, until the dismissal bell rang. While getting their coats to go home, Shane reached Missy’s for her, handing it to her with a smile.
"This isn’t very heavy is it warm?" He asked watching Missy struggle to wiggle her arms into it. As he did Shane witnessed dark bruising along Missy’s arms. Shane held the other side of her coat, until Missy managed both arms through the tight holes. "It doesn’t even fit good, why doesn’t your mom buy you a new one?" Shane asked innocently. Missy’s eyes met his, blinking back tears that suddenly formed. "It’s all I got…It’s fine." Missy managed to answer turning quickly away from him.
The short ride home on the school bus left Shane perplexed. He didn’t join in the normal I spy game, he and the other boys usually played. Shane sat alone by the window gazing out in quiet thought. He observed the freshly fallen snow, at least an inch fell since recess. They wouldn’t be allowed out to play tomorrow, darn no football. Then he remembered little Missy, and her flimsy coat that was clearly too small. She had to be cold, why didn’t her mom buy her a new coat? Shane pressed his hand against the icy glass, the warmth of his hand melted his hand print to the window pane. Taking his hand away he touched it to his face, feeling it’s cold sent a shiver chasing over his skin. Wonder if Missy was this cold.
Melissa rode a different bus to the trailer court at the end of town. After getting off the bus she trudged to end of the uniform rows of trailers, finally coming to theirs. Mom’s car was in the driveway. Maybe she bought groceries, Missy hoped as her tummy was growling from hunger. Hurrying inside Missy closed the door quickly, trying not to let in too much cold air. Missy took off her scuffed wet sneakers, the fresh snow tracked the imprint of her worn soles onto the rug. Her mom was watching TV and smoking a cigarette, the silver smoke swirled above her head and looked like the foggy mist rising from a pond in the morning.
"You home already…damn where does the day go." Janet, Missy’s mom, asked putting out her cigarette, blowing her last puff of smoke directly in Missy’s face causing her to cough slightly.
"Yep, Mom did you get groceries?" Missy asked but didn’t see any plastic supermarket bags in the trash, so she figured Mom didn’t go out today.
"Like I got money to buy anything. Your Dad, the jerk, is late on his support check again, and I don’t get my welfare check till Monday you know that Melissa. There should be some peanut butter in the cupboard make a sandwich."
Missy finished the peanut butter on Tuesday, still she looked into the nearly empty cupboard. There was a tin of tuna fish, which Missy hated, a couple cans of tomato soup, and a half loaf of bread. Missy opted for the bread toasted, at least it was quick and they did have Jelly.
Plopping down on the sofa next to her mom, munching on her toast Missy asked, "Mom, can we go to the Goodwill, my coat is too tight I can’t zip it?"
"God it's always something, new shoes, now another coat, shit stop growing will ya? It will have to wait till Monday, I don’t have any cash till then. Wear one of my sweaters okay?" Missy nodded dumbly agreeing, as if her mom’s sweater would be any warmer.
"Did you find a job yet?" Missy asked her mom promised she would look but each day Missy’s hope dwindled a little more.
"Jesus, what’s with the questions….no…no one’s hiring…we’ll be okay when your stupid Dad pays what he owes." Janet got up and went to the refrigerator, grabbing a can of beer she opened it taking a swig.
Missy dismissed herself to her room, closing the door. Going to her bookshelf Missy picked out a favorite book and lay on her bed, engaging her imagination where she could plot her escape from her reality.
Monday came and went and Mom got paid, she bought more beer, along with a few groceries. At least she bought more peanut butter, but completely forgot the trip to Goodwill. Missy reminded her, but her Mom only shrugged and tipped her beer. Mom didn’t seem to care about anything these days. Missy felt her mom missed her father, and that was why she drank. Sometimes her Mom went out, bringing home men to sleep all night. When the men stayed, Missy tried to remain in her room and be extra quiet, not wanting to upset her Mom.
The next week at school Shane paid closer attention to Missy observing her curiously. At lunch she sat by herself, only bringing an apple or half a sandwich to eat, and she never bought milk. Today as Shane’s mom packed his lunch, he asked for more planning to share with Missy.
"Mom, can I have another pudding, and maybe another bag of chips?" Shane’s Mom gave him a puzzled look.
"Don’t I pack enough?" Shane shook his head and explained.
"No…there’s this girl at school she never has much to eat, and we have plenty. I wanted to share with her. She never buys milk either." Shane’s mom smiled warmly at her caring son, giving him the extra chips and pudding. When she gave him milk money she gave him extra.
"Get your friend a milk too." Shane’s Mom said hugging him as he stepped outside.
Missy was surprised at lunch when Shane sat down beside her. She looked around to see who was watching, there were a few kids who turned to look.
"Hi, can I sit here?" Shane asked, and Missy nodded smiling. Shane smiled back. "Wow…my Mom must think I’m really hungry, she packed me extras. Hey do you think you could help me eat it. I don’t want Mom to get mad at me." Shane figured if he simply offered Missy the food she might not take it, so this way it was like she was doing him a favor. Missy took the pudding, it was chocolate along the milk and chips, what a treat.
"Thanks for sitting with me." Missy smiled her eyes shining happily.
"It’s okay….can I sit with you tomorrow?" Shane asked as they lined up to go back to class.
"Yes if you really want to." Missy couldn’t believe Shane wanted to sit with her, he seemed really nice for a boy.
Shane sat with Missy the rest of the week, sharing his lunch and always buying an extra milk. By Friday they were quite the scandal among all the forth grade class, with both his friends, and the mean girls voicing their opinions to him at recess.
"Why do you sit with Missy now? Do you like her?" asked Tommy, one of the boys Shane played ball with.
"Yeah Shane, you’re turning into a loser hanging with her." Another boy added.
"No I’m not…look she doesn’t bring a lunch, my mom packs extra so I’m sharing, no big deal." Shane defended his actions.
"Yeah whatever you're still a loser, maybe you should go play with your new friend instead of playing with us." The other boys nodded agreeing.
"Fine, if you ask me you guys are the losers." Shane huffed storming off, he didn’t really want to play dodge ball anyway.
Walking past Shelby and her friends, they started on Shane too.
"Hey Shane, are you insane? Kissy kissy with Missy, don’t tell me you like her?" Shelby teased.
"Shut up Shelby you and your friends are so mean." Shane shook his head ignoring them. He ventured to the corner of the gym where Missy was sitting, hugging her knees counting the minutes till recess was over.
"Are they teasing you cos of me?" Missy asked Shane who sat beside her.
"Yeah, but I don’t care. I’ll play with whomever I want. So want to get a game to play or something?" Missy smiled and agreed, finding a checker board, she and Shane played all recess.
Shane continued to be Missy’s friend, further alienating himself from his old friends. However after a short while, Shane wondered if maybe he made a mistake. Sure he liked Missy, but he missed his friends too. The issue escalated one recess, while playing inside again. Shane asked to play with the boys and a confrontation ensued.
"You can’t be friends with us, and her too. If you want to play tell Missy you hate her."
"I can’t do that. Why can’t I be friends with her too." Shane asked.
"Cos we said…you want to play with us, ditch the girl."
Shane walked slowly over to Missy, she heard the whole thing and knew how much Shane wanted to play.
"Go on, go play with them you know you want to."
"They say we can’t be friends, I don’t know what to do Missy." Shane shrugged his shoulders not looking at Missy.
"I don’t need you to be my friend, Shane. Go play, I don’t care." Missy pushed Shane away, knowing how it felt to be alone. She didn’t want his friends being mean to Shane.
"Okay…geez, what’s with you?" Shane growled heading back to the boys who let him play.
The girls crowded around Missy jeering and teasing again now that Shane was gone. “Silly girl, no boy could like you, rag bag hag. Face it Missy no one likes you." Shelby laughed and the other’s joined in. Missy felt the sting of their words, but the thing that hurt most was Shane turning away as well.
That weekend Missy again asked her Mom to make a trip to Goodwill, the weather was really getting bad. It was late December, and the winds blew frigid artic air. Her mom promised, Monday again, always the same story. When Monday came Missy found her mom sleeping on the sofa. It had been a long day at school spent mostly alone. Shane bought her milk and gave her his pudding, but he didn’t sit with her. Missy was hungry, opening the cupboard the only thing in it was tuna fish. I am not gonna eat that, Mom has to have some money left.
Being quiet trying not to wake her mom, Missy found her mom’s purse and began rummaging through it. Missy found a five dollar bill, stuffing it in her pants pocket. However that wasn’t the only thing Missy found, while rummaging through her mom’s purse. Missy came across a shiny gold case, it looked expensive. Curious Missy thought it must be make up so she opened it. Missy was surprised and frightened by the contents, there was a small plastic baggie, filled with a white powdery substance. There were three cigarettes, only they didn’t look like normal cigarettes. Missy knew it was drugs, and quickly shut the case.
At that moment her mother’s hands gripped Missy’s arms tightly, her forceful grip actually hurt while she shook Missy screaming at her.
"What the Hell are you doing? Why are you going through my things? Miss nosey brat, get out of here."
Janet pushed Missy hard, and Missy toppled over landing abruptly on the floor, hitting her head against the coffee table. It dazed her, but only for a moment as Missy burst into tears and ran for the door. Sliding into her wet sneakers, Missy grabbed her tight jacket and was gone before her mom could stop her.
Blinking tears Missy ran, and ran, until she felt a stinging catch in her side and had to stop. Her head hurt, and her arms throbbed where they started to bruise. The snow swirled around her as she walked. Missy brushed away her tears, she was calming down. Craming her hands in her pockets to get them warm, she found the five dollar bill. A smile stole across her face, and Missy quickly made her way to McDonalds. Missy decided to only get a cheeseburger and a coke, saving some money to buy milk at school, and maybe another cheeseburger tomorrow.
At McDonalds Missy ran into Shane, who was there with his mom. Shane noticed Missy’s rosy cheeks, chapped from the strong winter wind, he saw her rubbing her arms. He thought she was cold, she was still wearing that thin jacket. Shane went up to her, leaving his mom to wonder.
"Hi, sorry ‘bout school, are you okay? You look sad and cold." Missy didn't want anyone feeling sorry for her and pretended not to care.
"I’m fine, is that your Mom?" Missy nodded at Shane’s mom.
"Yeah….I gotta go, look Missy I still want to be friends can we?" Shane’s loyalties were torn and he was feeling guilt.
"I don’t know, guess that’s up to you isn’t it Shane." Missy stepped in line to order ignoring Shane. He sighed deeply and left with his mom.
Shane agonized the rest of the night and through the weekend worrying about Missy. It was Christmas vacation next week, and they only had two days of school. Shane thought of a plan certain to make Missy like him again, but he’d have to get some money somehow.
Tuesday was their last day of school, and that morning Shane stealthily picked his mom’s wallet out of her purse, stealing a twenty dollar bill he quickly stuffed it into his pants. His heart raced, and his palms were sweaty as he hurried to eat. Shane never took anything without asking before. Shane knew he should talk to his Mom about his plan, but he couldn’t take the chance of Mom saying no. Shane brushed his mom’s cheek with a hurried kiss, as he rushed out the door to catch the bus, his conscience consumed with guilt. At school Shane met Missy at the coat rack.
"Hey can you come with me after school…I got a surprise present to give you."
"What, a present for me…after school I have to catch a bus." Missy’s mom was still pissed she took off the other day. The bruises made by the welts from the leather belt Mom spanked her with still hurt.
"Me too, I’ll call my Mom, and she’ll give you a ride home I promise, please." Shane won, as Missy’s curiosity got the best of her.
After school both of them hurried out the doors with the other kids that walked. Missy strolled with Shane a few blocks, admiring the beautifully decorated store windows. Every one displayed a tree, sparkling with gorgeous lights. Missy loved
Christmas time, not that they had a tree to decorate, but she still loved the festive giving season.
They walked for a bit, until Shane stopped in front of the discount department store. Shane knew his mom shopped there to get certain things cheap, he saw they sold coats on their last visit. Missy’s eyes widened when Shane ushered her inside. Over to the rack of coats they went.
"Pick one I got money see." Shane pulled out the twenty dollar bill and Missy started to cry.
"For real…you want to buy me a coat, why?" Missy asked looking at the selection of new, not hand me down coats from Goodwill.
"You need one, I don’t want you to be cold no more." Shane explained, smiling as Missy seemed excited. Missy tried on a pretty purple coat, it even had a warm hood.
"This one…Shane thank you no one has ever been so nice to me ever." Shane nodded grinning happily. It was great to see Missy in a coat that was warm and fit. They paid for the coat and had enough extra for two candy bars and an orange soda to split.
The happy friends walked downtown, planning to call Shane’s mom. Before they reached the phone booth Missy suddenly stopped, frozen in her tracks a look of dread came over her face. Her mom’s car pulled up alongside them.
"Who’s this?" Shane asked seeing Missy’s reaction.
"My Mom and she’s pissed. Shane you should go."
"No…I’ll tell her it was my fault it will be okay." Shane didn’t realize Missy’s mom took drugs and had been drinking all day.
"Where have you been? Who is this kid you’re with? Did you steal that coat? Talk Missy!" Janet grabbed Missy shaking her violently. Missy looked like rag doll, her head bobbing back and forth.
"Mom you’re hurting me, ouch stop." Missy cried her mom was gripping over the old bruises and they really hurt.
"Leave her be, stop it you’re hurting her. I bought the coat for Missy." Shane tried to intercede, grabbing Janet’s arm pulling her away from Missy. Janet re-acted angrily striking Shane across the face, giving him a bloody nose instantly. Missy screamed seeing the blood.
"Mom, what did you do? Shane are you okay?" By now a few people gathered to stare, witnessing the actions of the enraged drunken Janet.
"You will not defy me." Janet started hitting Missy with her fists.
She pounded on the tiny girl, who cowered on the ground trying to block her Mom’s blows. Shane jumped back on Janet, hitting and kicking her trying to protect Missy and make Janet stop. Janet didn’t think, instead she grabbed Shane and tossed him. Shane landed in the middle of the busy street, an oncoming car could not stop and slid on the icy pavement striking Shane. Janet, Missy and the group of on lookers witnessed Shane’s body tumble along the cold unyielding asphalt, coming to rest several yards from the car. His body certainly broken, blood oozing from his silent lips.
Missy jumped up and ran to Shane ignoring her mother’s calls. "Shane … Oh Shane No!" Missy cried and hurried with several others, including the driver, toward Shane hoping they could help.
Janet became instantly frightened, she was drunk and on drugs, she could not be there when the cops came. "Missy….get in the car….NOW YOUNG LADY!" Janet fought her way to Missy trying to physically take her. A man in the crowd grabbed Janet, keeping her away from Missy. The man with the help of another kept Janet contained, until the police arrived.
The ambulance took Shane away the siren blaring. Missy rode to the hospital in a police cruiser, crying the entire way, dripping salty tears on her brand new coat. At the hospital Missy was handed over to children’s services, while Shane was rushed to surgery. Missy passed Shane’s mom hurrying into the hospital, as Missy and the social worker were walking out.
"You’re Shane’s mom I hope he’s okay, he just wanted to buy me a coat….this coat. He’s my best friend, I’m so sorry." Missy apologized still wiping tears.
"You’re Missy? He bought you that coat?" Shane’s mom pieced the puzzle together now. That explained the missing twenty from her wallet. Missy was crying too hard, she could only nod.
"Well that coat looks really nice on you, no need to be sorry honey you didn’t do anything wrong." Shane’s mom gave Missy a hug then rushed inside to be with Shane.
Two weeks passed, and the beginning of a new school year resumed as usual. Missy showed up dressed in her new coat, her hair neatly combed in braids secured with pretty ribbons. She had a new dress, not a Goodwill dress, and new boots. Shelby, and the others had nothing mean to say, and their silence was Missy’s biggest triumph. The class settled down as the final bell rang. Among the class room full of students there remained an empty seat. It was Shane’s seat, Missy looked at it sadly remembering the horrible accident.
Missy's mom, Janet, was arrested and remained in jail. Missy was placed in a temporary foster home, as her father didn’t want her. Missy didn’t know what happened to Shane, no one ever told her. She hoped her friend was okay, but not seeing him in his seat made her sad.
The teacher began to call roll as the door suddenly pushed open, and through it came Shane and his mom. Shane was on crutches and hobbled to his desk. His mom helped him get settled. Shane's Mom smiled at Missy waving, Missy waved back.
Happy to see her friend, Missy walked over to Shane and in front of everyone, she hugged him and gave Shane a kiss on his cheek. Shane was totally embarrassed, but liked the gesture all the same.
"Thank you Shane, you were my Christmas Angel." Missy whispered only loud enough for him to hear. Shane smiled and nodded.
"So we can be friends again?" Shane asked, Missy smiled warmly at him, "Yes, you will always be my friend." Missy answered.

This was done as a writing challenge... the theme write poem about the last tree.

By Linda M Rhodes

Death, I wish for it…
I am old, ancient with life,
Pulsing throughout my core,
To be the last, cruel fate,
Gone the sapling youth,
Generations before and after….
Seasons of change know only color gray,
Countless the never-ending days,
Future grim, final destruction eminent,
Enemy shall return, scaring all Earth,
Selfish multitude, greed the driving force,
Mutilate, destroy, burned to ash…
Forced to watch the devastation,
My roots buried deep, limbs lift upward,
Heavy with burdened soul, murderers…
Rays of sunlight warm without comfort,
Shadows cast upon yesterday…
Guarding memories pleasant,
As fresh blossoms of spring…
Evergreen summer foliage thriving,
Bringing harvest coloring fall,
Ardent my flailing branches…
Whipping upon strong winds,
Arrogance perhaps justified,
As twister touches down…
Twas Mother Nature gave me life,
Fitting she will grant my death…
Along with the concrete forest,
They foolishly plant in my stead…


     It was a rainy spring day when the grandchildren could not go outside to play. Grandma was inside her kitchen taking the last tray of chocolate chip cookies from the oven when Grandma noticed she had a small visitor. Four year old Timmy wandered into the room, and found himself watching intently while Grandma placed the hot cookies one at a time onto the platter to cool. Grandma smiled at him, but wondered why he was in the kitchen. Grandpa was supposed to be keeping him and his sister busy while she made the cookies.
"They’re too hot to eat yet Honey, let them cool a little. Isn’t Grandpa playing with you and Sarah anymore?"
"Well kind of ___ I wanted to play with the cowboys, but Sarah wanted to play with blocks."
"So Grandpa is playing blocks then I guess."
"Yep and I didn’t want to. How long do they have to cool?"
"Just long enough for us to play Cowboys and Indians."
      Jimmy gave Grandma a high five, and together they headed back into the living room where the box of toys were scattered all over the pattern rug in the middle of the room. Toys scattered about didn’t bother Grandma, they were supposed to be played with. She knew Sarah and Timmy would pick them up later. Grandpa looked up from the princess fort he was building and shrugged his shoulders.
"Couldn’t do two things at once?" Grandma chuckled.
"Nope, I tried but someone went missing." Grandpa replied with a little laugh as well.
"Come on Grandma I have the Cowboys all set up."
      Grandma sat on the floor next to her coffee table that was representing a huge canyon cliff, where the Cowboys were waiting in ambush of the Indians. The Indians were smart though and found a way to creep up behind the Cowboys attacking by surprise. The Cowboys won the battle though, like they always do. Grandma and Timmy had to fix all the wounded, even the Indians, making them all better in the first aid tent. Timmy had a wonderful imagination, and Grandma never discouraged it.
      Grandma decided the cookies were cool enough and brought a plateful to the dining room table along with glasses of cold frosty milk. Sarah needed her booster seat, but Timmy was old enough to sit at the table alone. Of course Grandpa hurried to have a seat too; he loved chocolate chip cookies and milk as much as the children. While they were munching the yummy cookies Timmy posed a question.
"Do you know what makes Grandpa and Grandma’s so great?"
Grandpa glanced at Grandma and smiled before he ventured a guess.
"Is it because we let you get messy?" He asked seeing the melted chocolate smeared all over both the grandchildren’s faces.
"No Grandpa." Jimmy laughed making Sarah giggle too.
"Is it story time; I know how much you two love us to read stories?" Grandma added a guess.
"I love stories." Sarah admitted nodding her head before taking another bite of her cookie.
"Nope," Jimmy shook his head grinning happily.
"I know, we let you stay up past your bedtime when you stay over." Grandpa guessed again, "Or is it going to the park when it’s sunny." Jimmy simply shook his head.
"How about building a tent out of the kitchen table, or hiking in the woods?" Grandma added trying to guess what Jimmy would think was great.
"Guess again." Jimmy giggled.
"What about taking trips to the zoo or a playground then getting ice cream?" Grandpa thought he had a winner.
"Good guess, but nope that’s not what makes you great."
"Well I’m not sure we can guess Jimmy, will you tell us what makes grandparents great?" Grandma was very curious now and got up from her chair moving next to Jimmy. She gave him a hug while waiting for his answer.
"Yes please tell us Jimmy." Grandpa wanted to know too.
"It’s easy, it’s love and you give us it with hugs. You make us feel safe, and make us happy by playing with us. We love you Grandma, and we love you Grandpa, that’s what makes you great." Jimmy’s eyes were big and bright and his smile priceless. Grandma gave him a huge hug and kissed his cheek when she let him go.
"Well I guess that’s what makes Grandchildren so great too, love is the most powerful thing I know and we love you so much." Grandma answered wiping a happy tear from her eye as her smile spread across her face.
"Yes we will always love you." Grandpa echoed nodding his head feeling so proud of his little grandson.
"I know I love you too; now can I have another cookie please?"
Grandma chuckled handing him another cookie along with another loving hug for good measure you; can never be too great.


Determination And The Seeing Stars
Wendy Brady
The purpose walk
Your divine glow
Enter the stream
Of wonderment and dream
Become an ideal being, an ideal flow
Lust out your wants, daydream
And decide, more than once
One day at a time, you make it happen
You make it fine
Strength soldiering, you feel like your tiring, behind
Crossroads or not, you don't give up
Find the ocean of deliverance
And smile into its perfect awake
Order more patience
For those times you're late
Everything comes to light
Even the moon in the tranquil night
Follow your willing heart like your imagination's part
Focus on all information, seek extraordinary comfort
And listen to the breath of day
There's nothing worse
Than not knowing, where you're going to lay
Take it to the next level, pitch your pure desires
In inspiration's special way
Think, before your anger spoils the link
Confusion and betrayal can come from self
You can circle back
Study the seeing stars, you missed in your absence
Make that check list; don't forget respect
Every time... your sun won't shine
If you want to make your soul reach the next week
Zero in, give it your last, intriguing burst
Become to all others, a union of charming speech
No negative littleness, no ruining intimacy
Will yourself out of any situation
Know you're unique, passionate appearance
Know what brings us all together, choices
Know you're free to go, sense the changes
On that purpose walk, your absolute, divine show
The purpose walk
Your divine glow
Enter the stream
Of wonderment and dream
Become an ideal being, an ideal flow
Lust out your wants, daydream
And decide, more than once
One day at a time, you make it happen
You make it fine
Strength soldiering, you feel like your tiring, behind
Crossroads or not, you don't give up
Find the ocean of deliverance
And smile into its perfect awake
Order more patience
For those times you're late
Everything comes to light
Even the moon in the tranquil night
Follow your willing heart like your imagination's part
Focus on all information, seek extraordinary comfort
And listen to the breath of day
There's nothing worse
Than not knowing, where you're going to lay
Take it to the next level, pitch your pure desires
In inspiration's special way
Think, before your anger spoils the link
Confusion and betrayal can come from self
You can circle back
Study the seeing stars, you missed in your absence
Make that check list; don't forget respect
Every time... your sun won't shine
If you want to make your soul reach the next week
Zero in, give it your last, intriguing burst
Become to all others, a union of charming speech
No negative littleness, no ruining intimacy
Will yourself out of any situation
Know you're unique, passionate appearance
Know what brings us all together, choices
Know you're free to go, sense the changes
On that purpose walk, your absolute, divine show
Wendy Brady

I look at thy Dear Daddy and thy see perfection glow
Oh! Daddy's words of intellect are his creed and show
Deep in Daddy's heart of certainty... is his creative flow
His smile of wisdom lights everyone's eyes overlapping
Daddy's lifelong embrace is like that real tree of grace
His willing design... breathes a love that is hard to find
In all this life, Daddy's peace and amity greatly survives
Daddy imparts on us his secrets and his inner dreams
The wealth of power in thy passionate mind of visualising
He allows us to celebrate thy open world of emotions
Watching and listening to all his stories of beginnings
Pure colours of paradise beauty, in his evening star choice
Awakening thy senses like thy tides breaking moon waves
Oh! daddy's fighting, wholesome, spirit lingers way after dark
I often imagine his breath
Upon thy windowpane like sweet air surprise
Thy candle lit intensity... of his love and how in friendship
it just grows and grows and grows
All I can think of are those parables of bear joy belonging
Belonging... like that pond reflecting life, that sees way beyond
Soft rainbows of caring pulse
At it again like triumphing essence
Oh! Thy praise Daddy renders to all
Is an expression... that stays blessed for sure.


by Wendy Brady

The trees outside are silently dancing
Mother nature in her miracle presence
Wind howling pain, with its own heartbeat gain
Shadows like unknown...magical strangers
His beautiful trust is always remembered
As it is a love of peaceful memory
Like my dreams I miss already
Imagining ol' friends appearing
This solitude cycling like a summer breeze
Tiny footprints...that seem to freeze
Memory lane beckoning the ol' torn heart
Like special things surfacing in the dark
Screaming to thee, take things as they come
Escaping, making a run for the sunshine
Clear light affectionally felt
No need to eternal slumber, imagines self

by Wendy Bradey

He came in the stone still, silence of night
To dream with blossoming spirit and light
It was more than an illusion
As he said "Step with me into paradise's bed"
Holding my his arms
He yelled "Let us escape from this poverty stricken state" doesn't have to worry or hate
But instead, be fulfilled on dignity's grace
In his sweet kisses...eternal embrace
I looked into his perfection, his beautiful face
The roses of love, were ablaze to elate
Beauty flooding so exquisite, time was our fate
Such subtlety in his veins, he knew how to radiantly reign
As if we were a gentle blackbird's presence again
He stroked my internal balance with his
Soft was the musical essence of the breeze
As we floated... on the clouds of ecstasy's please

Wendy Brady

I sit, pen lit with wonder
Thinking of a memory
Hoping you get a chance to read this
As tears flow... from these moment eyes
Like waking with the break of day
I think of us, in an inspirational way
To write about our love, our life
And not to forget sorrow
I wonder if the road we took was right
My soul stirs up so much delight
And I imagine...our world with light
These struggles are hard to figure
But today, I know we'll be enlightened together
Mainly because this love is real
I know our safe place is somewhere quiet
Maybe in the silence of night
Quietly I sit and hold your invisible hand
Hands so big, heart so full
A friend in darkness, a friend full of thrills
And I thank... all those lucky stars
That float above me
For the the gracious oyster
That brought your miracle love to thee
And in the silence of night
When the air is broken by your soul's beauty
I know in my own heart...I will always believe

by Wendy Brady

Small, wispy, unfed breathes, drawn almost identical

I hold your old man's knuckles, so tightly in my hands

Sometimes you can cling, to real hope... so much that it hurts

Mighty like the time you Pops, chased me, for picking your oranges

Well that large, juicy, pure one... you had your eyes on for yourself

You clench your weak, feeble fingers and try to jerk yourself up

Just so you can study my face, maybe the experience, the love

We are separate, I on the chair, you on the bed, worlds so still

I try to not notice... the ropes that tie you down but your eyes show me

Pops, the pain is too much for me, how could they do that to your freedom

Those nurses seem so lame, as I read... every single one of their names, I could write a letter to their highest, knowing command

But that would be no you were the one that pulled that gadget out

The one that was helping you pee, gosh! pops it's not your fault either, as taught

I watch your dry, curled up lips, life's no longer kind to you, to your love, your way

That magically journey, once spellbound, has seen its last, official eclipse day

Gran-ma's been running around the wards, visiting all your combined friends

At least she dropped your ironed pyjamas off and kissed your pale cheeks an end

Maybe she's giving us our time together, for our reflections to silently speak

I know you're truly listening Pops and it seems now I'm all quiet, talked out

It's like our favourite, picnic mountain we climbed, is losing its precious sun

Your wrinkles block your smile, the one I used to see when we were having fun

I see your vein's tiredness, as you wriggle your twisted body all over the place

I wish you could take your time, not dying but believing in your once fruitful life

Your broken hips hurt you so, so much, medication doesn't really work enough

I don't know Pops...this is too hard, why isn't Gran-ma here to see our last tears

They fall so slow, on both our faces like a river that froze over, couldn't get to shore

To see the life...they had both once shared, facts, a history wholesomely adored


 by Wendy Brady

This power to create, is worldly. We all have one chance, all but one, to begin a newness of time. Indeed, so compatible to us that we create waves of excitement within, felt sensually. We feel it, we can feel it like we feel, the ocean's real voice. A voice, at last enthralled.  As pure, as our rain and as pure, as told; day. The sun's immense rays, beginning like laughter's miracle song, belonging again. We chant ourselves along. We succeed in every step. Every step we take turning and turning, breaking our spine alive, believing, here we go, getting a move on; we achieve, cause it happens now. We all have the known intelligence. The push towards it, to use this magical power, we have it at hand. We now believe it.  We believe our worth. We believe our dignity like our feet are all lined up equal.  A world we're in and all our worldliness like we've been given, an extra; day: a great day, a great way; that with appeased oxygen and divine gravity. We understand at last.
That life of forgetfulness, that tough past, that one wrestled with; it has exited. No longer non-beings but original well beings. We now understand, our own precious sky. The reasons why, why, we're here on this, beautiful; loving earth. Our strength, our successes. We know the glow. The glow of earthy, pink cheeks. How to live in this power and know what directs our life. It's always been said, that he, he that asks; receives. In this power we all receive. For we give this power back out to the universe. This power is elite. It talks back, as we breathe. It hungers us on, so amazingly like love and lust, more young.

This power convinces us. Talks to us gentle. In power we all see the outcome from the very start. There's no getting lost.  It is simple it is lasting.  This jaw-opening- power revives us and enables us. Show's us different things. It shows us at dusk, at dawn, glimpses and more. Different to what we're used to. The good things, that relieve, especially our lives. Suddenly, we're standing tall, hardily unafraid of shadows anymore. No more losses, all those, cross crying faces, tearing up frustrations; long: all gone.  All of them, are now appointed with dignity declared. So life-determining, filled with change, like a human song playing without the shame, the blame. Our new thoughts speed up the process. To seek, to foster to get to things.  All these remarkable things, to do with perfection. To want to do, them now; try. It speeds up our feelings, to vibrate as we're needing. Magnificently needing, this time feeds all. Feeds us now a hope, no ordinary hope but a hope that, challenges; us. A hope... so incredible our being sings, within.

 We are no longer, hurt, assaulted, abused, lost, or in danger; no harm: can come to us. Why should we die hungry...No! completely the opposite, we are in charge, in command, in total control but still kind, with our minds soft and wilful. In power we delete the doubt. Instead, all facts are plucked boldly, already approved, accomplished and true. We are instead chosen. There's none of this holding back with the lame excuses. This power rebuilds us with strong directives. To have it all at beck and call. No longer will our tirelessness and our loyalty be in vain. This power of light, of love, of understanding, it ends the pain. It now manifests, along with us. It charges through us like a bolt of electricity. Electricity enlivening so strong. That we can now think anything into existence. Our view of the world forever changing.
A magical and powerful life spell exists. To be grateful there is no resistance. For all that gratitude... is now our possible existence. Just staying on top of it, our new life magnificent. To certainly get everything you wish for, to live well. There's no reason to be surprised with that drawing in breath.  For this power unleashed, this power constant,  this journey is alive. It evolves, it moves forth at a pace, indeed; thrilling. If the power is arousing, then it is, the love, it is introduced. With this power we now eat and think it the power. We beautifully touch also, back with divine vengeance, all our worlds are now proven. And it is always happening, happening to us.

The vision, the power, the vitality, all these magic powers of our new dance. These visions have to be felt. And to know, know exactly, what you're doing at this essential; moment, that felt by you the enforcer. We've always been the chooser, always been the designer. Look back in history, through all the tales and see the legends, this critical energy was like an explosion. The astonishing beauty bought out by this power is brilliant. These crystal thoughts we're all yearning, yearning and yearning, for so much of this, raised; alertness. This is our world, our love, our light and honesty. By being fit in this power and by opening self up, to the wonder, you become; it. Yes! you become the wonder itself. Even when we're sleeping. To know to lay in this power. To do so, to do it all. Our thoughts are dreaming at one with us. Our thoughts, our desires, they're always deeply working.

This power makes us magically in control. In this freedom to choose, we can easily select, for at last we are allowed to, just like our choice, because choice with power; is blessed. No-one can now prey upon our choices, for we are the chosen. With this power we don't need their help. For we already know, this power, our power, it guides and protects. We are now the breath we want to take. We have so much magic energy. No-one can tell us any different, we are one with this power. We can sow time our way, sprinkle it here sprinkle it there.
There's no stopping us. We can reap the fountain of life, the flowing, the waters, the just rewards perfectly alive. Any day we please anytime. Us alive to become, to know, to always be young. Our eyes wide open. Looking, looking out breathlessly. For the first time acknowledging, just seeing, the stars, how many there truly are. The excitement in our veins, ripe and splendidly delicious. The power and the forces are like divine law. They speak to us, correct and perfect, and we are one with it. One with the divine power. We are incredibly whole. We are, whole inside and out, in a real earth. Whole enough to understand how the power works. This power is like our bread of life. We must feed on it. We must always believe in it. For, it blesses us. Continually... it blesses us, with miracles and love. This I am certain.
We read now attuned. Better like new buds. Unbelievably, we feel the universe and all those, around; us. We feel it, we feel the universe speak directly to us, the people speaking too. We know the signs. We know the fears but how quickly, we now know, our own; festive cheer. We can't be kept stupid, or chained. We've got to know, to want this, want it immediately, with our whole entire worlds. To be seen chosen. What are we, if we are not chosen. Chosen to breathe this power with such extreme attention. We must give this power all our effort.  Make our minds up instantly.  We must know our midsummer  mystery elevation.  Born revelation; our elation. Rising up, rising upright, our eyes focused, elevating in this power.
We now know how to erase them fears, all of them. Erase them instantly... with our feelings clear. Our feelings beautifully alive. It doesn't take much effort to put ourselves in Heavenly love. Always attend in this love, predict, its very; strength. Millions walk this earth unseen. Here we are given a name, because of our truth. To be in this love, to feel it all, to salute it and be bound there, so beautifully; alive: brave. Courage will take you far, in this power it is feeling more, more vivacious, more creative. We have the ability to understand our destiny. This is our life. Our power in its fullest, its purest known song. Our life to live. Live preciously happy always. Our happiness makes us popular and strong. Destined together, confident and focused with rare and lasting clarity. It keeps us diehard and young.
Power of our minds is crucial. We live to see this...see it always, lightning sight, our paradise proven. Our air is fresh here.  Our air is light. We can be whoever we like. Go wherever we please.  Changed... with grace alone. With power there is no doubt, none at all. We can travel, visit and instruct our journey. We can be whole again.  Whole like we were born to be. We can become this whole meaning. Our power and us we're chosen. Chosen just, in all we are and all we will be. The first time we heard our laughter. The first time we realized our joy. Our beauty and all our inner strengths. If we do not talk about this.   It's true, we will not know our powers strength. We have a voice now. We have a place of thought to go.  A place so comforted, and so precious that we hear our own breath. This is our love, our love, and a place to breathe.

CHAPTER EIGHT animal stories by BDC


by WilliamCash Neve

Hello there you two legged people my name is Flame

I'm biggest of the litter and that's my one claim to fame.

I like to get on top of things looking for something to chew.

My master puts things way high so I won't get them, but I do.

He put his slippers on top of a high dresser so they'd be safe.

But I got them and chewed them to pieces all over the place.

I don't know why I do these things; I guess it's the puppy in me.

My master loves me cause I'm smart, but I do make him unhappy.

I remember one day I found his lower choppers in a drawer.

Now he just munches because he can't chew any more.

I was so sad because I had never seen a grown man cry.

From now on I'm gonna be good, I know I can if I really try.

There are six of us dogs who live in Big Daddy Cashes domain.

Two have to go, I hope ones not me cause I do want too remain.

I love my Big Daddy Cash and this place is where I want to be.

All together Billy Bob, Miah, Tootsy, Sweetheart, Bobby and Me.

Oh, And My Big Daddy too!


by William Cash Neve


My canine family keeps growing and growing so there are more stories I haven't told yet. Each member is as important as the last and each one with a story.

 Sweetheart is comfortably stretched out in her lounge chair making eyes at me so I wink at her and say; “Don’t worry Sweetheart I'm writing your story now.”

 So now the main focus is on my little sweetheart, Sweetheart is named Sweetheart because she truly is a sweetheart. When I was telling you about my other canines she climbed up on the upper most part of her lounger with one ear perked up and the other hanging lazy over her cheek. She kept her big brown eyes on me the whole time I was writing.

 Just looking at her with those big brown eyes, one ear up and one ear down and a painted on smile you can’t help but know that she’s a sweetheart. Any way she’s colored pure gold with a white mask on her face that goes from her snout to her forehead. She’s got what looks like a lazy ear, her tail is shaped like an ell and she walks with a slight limp. This is what I’m about to explain…

In 2004 I rented one of my apartments to a young couple who raised Pit Bulls. The young man was Steve his wife’s name was Nicole and they had a 5 year old daughter named Brittney. I’m mentioning this because it will make it easier to tell Sweethearts story. Sweetheart’s life began with this family and now I am going to reveal the shocking truth.

Sweetheart’s original name was “Fighting Bitch”. What I didn’t know when I rented to Steve was that he raised Pit Bulls to be fighters. The meaner he could make them the better fighters they’d become.

It turned out that Steve was a drug addict a thief and a liar, but that’s another story.

The “Fighting Bitch” as Sweetheart was called was beaten, starved and chained. The beatings were often and torturess and starving her would make her fight for her food. They called her the Bitch and her life was really a BITCH. Sweetheart had one professional fight and lost to a larger and meaner Pit Bull. Her ear was almost torn from her head, her tail was broken in the middle and her left hind leg had multiple fractures.

Had I known what was going on right under my nose I surely would have stopped it, called the humane society and had Steve arrested for animal abuse. I knew nothing!! At least not until a domestic problem surfaced.

It appears that Steve had a lot of money bet on the “Fighting Bitches” fight, when she lost Steve celebrated by getting obnoxiously drunk, came home and severely beat his wife and daughter. His neighbor called the police and he was arrested for child abuse.

I didn’t see Steve again and Nicole took her daughter Brittney, left in the middle of the night and hasn’t been heard or seen since.

When I went in to clean up the apartment a week later I found Sweetheart chained in a closet more dead then alive. She has been a gift and a pleasure given to us through the mercy of God and a prize member of my family ever since.

She is sitting here now beside me looking me right in the eye she’s pleased that I finally told her story. For a dog that was trained to be mean she’s got to be the sweetest most loving creature in all of humanity


by William Cash 

I really enjoy writing animal stories it's kind of an obsession once I start I don't want to stop. I'll be half way through one story and thinking about the next. The following is in the catigory of truth and fiction, I hope you like it...

Now I’m going to show you just how smart my Lady Lab is, believe it or not she wrote you a story. Go ahead Lady, tell them your story.

 My name is Lady and I'm a big black Lab., not really that big I was the runt of the liter. I guess for a Lab I'm small, but I think I'm pretty big. Cash brought me in from outside so that I could tell my story, he always tries to show off my smarts, that's one of the reasons that I love him so much.

Well, for a dog and I never was treated like one, I have a very good memory. I can take you all the way back to when I first became a part of Cashes life.

My brothers and sisters were from the highest pedigree line of pure bred animals that were raised to be show dogs. Unfortunately for me, I was the runt so I didn't belong. My breeders were going to have me put away and I remember that day well, I wanted to live.

They had already called the veterinarian and he was going to euthanize me, whatever that was, it sure didn't sound good. Anyway my breeders were on their way out the door, with me in a cage, when they ran into a neighbor who told them about a guy down the street who had just lost his companion a dog named Brock.

They decided to see if he would take me. You don't know how happy this made me. My heart was thumping and my tail was wagging as they knocked on Cashes front door.

My world came to an end when Cash told them that he didn't want me, that the loss of Brock was to hard to take and he didn’t want to get that close to another living thing. They said;

"That’s OK we have an appointment to have her put away." Cashes reply was…

"You can't do that I'll find her a home."

Oh thank God, I had found my home. I would make Cash love me so much that he'd never give me away and that's when I became Cashes very best friend and constant companion.

 My first real home was on Roosevelt Ave in a small suburb called Sugar House. Boy was I a lucky dog. Cash and I took to each other right off the get go, and that's the truth.

My new home was really nice and cozy. Cash gave me run of the whole house and it was lots of fun exploring the closets and under the beds, sometimes I'd find the neatest things to chew on or take outside and bury.

I remember once finding a real nice boot under the bed and I assumed that Cash had left it there for me to play with while he was away so I chewed on it the biggest part of the day.

Wow, they say that only dogs get mad and people get angry. Not true! Cash really totaled out. Gosh, I never heard so many new words and he ranted and raved for days.

He said all his life he'd wanted Tony Lamas so he finally bought a pair and now he only had the left one to wear. He was so angry that I thought he would never get glad. I knew I had done wrong and I really was sad, but Cash finally got over it and then I was glad.

Cash said many times that no dog would ever measure up to his Brock, so my greatest desire was to prove him wrong. I wanted to be the best I could be, so my master Cash would really love me.

I remember one time when I pooped under the living room table and Cash scolded me and put me outside for the longest time.

Then there was another time when I pooped in a shoe, ha...ha...ha...This I have to tell you about, it's really a funny. There was this salesman Cash new that was really obnoxious, when he visited us he would take off his shoes and put them along side the couch and they would stink up the whole house. Well I had to go really bad and there were these shoes that smelled just like shit so I plopped a good one right into one of them.

Wait a minute I'm not through yet! I'm just getting to the best part. The guy got ready to leave and put on his shoes and you should have seen the expression on his face as the poop oozed out around the top of his shoe.

Cash laughed so hard that he rolled on the floor and that guy never came back to our house any more.

When I was little I was always doing things that would upset Cash, not on purpose I want you to know, and I think it was just the puppy in me. Another thing I want you to know is that when I did bad things Cash never hit me but boy could he give a French Blessing and sometimes they'd last for days.

It took me about a year before I grew out of my mischievous ways and we both managed to survive.

I grew to love my master, Cash, more and more with each passing day. I wanted him to be proud of me and love me in the same way. I tried real hard to learn to do all the things that would please him.

Jack, our mailman trained me to take in the mail, he worked with me for weeks until I had it just right. Jack would hand me the mail and I would deliver it right to Cashes favorite chair. Soon I started doing the same thing with the newspaper. My reward was a pat on the head and the simple phrase, "Good Girl."

Sometimes Cash would talk to me like I was human and could understand all that he was saying. I learned to nod or shake my head when he was talking to me, an even though I couldn't understand every word, he thought I could. Usually by his actions or his expressions I knew what he wanted…

You know, it was pretty obvious that Cash liked us four legged creatures better than he did you two legged ones because he always treated us so much better.

Well my friends I have to go now but there's a whole lot more I'd like to tell you if you'll let me.


 Hi there stranger, my name is Rex. I have been abandoned and I'm looking for someone to love me. There are dogs just like me in animal shelters all over America. We don't want to be put to sleep, we want to live, we need a home. Please visit the animal shelter near you and adopt a four legged companion. You'll never be sorry you did...
Bear my golden retriever died of old age one year ago today; this is his story as told by Big Daddy Cash.
I have a huge back yard surrounded by a 7 foot fence and a double gate with links and steel. I keep the gate locked always so it’s a safe haven for my animals.
I’ll have to paint you a picture to get you in the proper frame of mind. Picture this; it’s the middle of the winter, there’s four feet of snow on the ground and the winds are having conniption fits. Low and behold this 200lb dog shows up just outside the gates but I wouldn’t let him in because I figured he’d eventually go home where he belonged.
He was hungry so I put dry food out for him and that seem to appease him. Then I went in the house and forgot all about him. The next morning I grabbed my snow shovel and went outside the gates to clear the driveway and I noticed a large pile of snow along side my truck. I didn’t give it a second thought because the snow had been drifting all through the night leaving large drifts all over the place.
I finished cleaning my driveway then went over to clean my truck and low and behold that big pile of snow started to move.  It was Bear (I named him Bear because he looked like a big polar bear). Bear adopted us and became part of our happy family.
Bear was a gift from God and a real blessing in disguise. He graced our family for five happy years.